Use the Booking Assistant to Help Your Guests Find the Best Deals on Hotels and Airbnbs

Help your guests find the best deals on accommodation near your venue right on the Travel page! The Booking Assistant allows your guests to easily search for available hotel rooms and vacation homes near your venue. 

We currently have partnerships with Airbnb,, Kayak and, so your guests can easily choose the site of their choice.

Add a Booking Assistant

To add a Booking Assistant to your wedding site, first navigate to the Travel section from your admin dashboard. Once there, click the plus sign to add a new section and find Booking Assistant in the General category.

After you click to add a Booking Assistant, you can put in the location of your venue and the suggested check-in and check-out dates for your guests. This will then appear on your website and app and make it easy for guests to find a hotel near your venue.

When guests view the Travel section, they will see your suggested area and dates, but they will also be able to make changes. If you’ve included households in your guest list, the Booking Assistant also uses that to suggest a number of guests for the booking. Your guests will be able to change this if needed.

If your wedding schedule includes events in different areas, you can add multiple Booking Assistants. As with everything you add to the Travel section, you can reorder them however you like.

Booking Assistants on Your Joy App

For your guests, using the Booking Assistant on your app is just as easy as it is on your wedding website.

If you’ve added one Booking Assistant, guests can find it either on the home screen of the app or in the Travel section in the app menu. If you have multiple Booking Assistants, they won’t appear on the home screen, but guests can still find them in the Travel section of the app.

Still have some questions?

Ask us directly! Click on the black and white chat bubble in the bottom-right corner of this page to ask us your questions, or you can email us at You’ll get a friendly response from someone on our team! 🙂

Updated on February 27, 2023

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